Tag Archive | pot luck

What a Fellowship! What a Family!

Last night was our yearly February Fellowship Meal at church. We had a nice turn out! As expected, there was quite an array of chicken dishes, casseroles and desserts. There wasn’t one thing that I tasted that didn’t taste good! Welsh Run Church of the Brethren has a long history of good cooks!


But, we’re not just known for our history of good cooks, our church is one of the oldest in the area. Our church fellowship is over 200 years old! That’s a lot of history! Though there’s a lot of years involved at this little gray stone church on the hill, it’s those who still attend that we currently know the most about. One of the games we played together last evening was a “Who Am I?” quiz. Some of the answers came easily, others not quite as easy. As we sat there thinking about the answers to the questions, I realized just how vastly different we all are.

We learned that not only do Paul & Dorothy have one of the biggest displays of daffodils each spring, but that Dorothy has a player piano. And she’s not the only one with a player piano, Lois has one too. We learned that Eugene and Anna both have standing records at their highschool(Waynesboro and James Buchanan, respectively) in track and field, and that Chad also has a standing record at James Buchanan in wrestling. Two people in the congregation play the viola, and several play the organ. Gladys plays the guitar, Lois Ann plays the flute, Cory plays the trumpet, and there are many more who play an instrument. (We actually have enough for a nice sized band!) Bill enjoys making homemade potato chips. Amanda drives a forklift as her occupation.  Joseph has traveled all over the world and plans to go overseas again soon. There is a large portion of the congregation that is in involved in the medical field including nurses, doctors, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and massage therapists. We have a surveyor, carpenters, farmers, homemakers, and missionaries. There are a lot of cancer survivors as well. Our youngest person attending church is just over a year old, while our oldest member will be 90 next month.

What a vast expanse of occupations, ages, and interests! We are all very different, but yet there is one thing we have in common….our belief and love of God. It’s what makes us a family.  When one of us is hurting, we all hurt. When one of us is rejoicing, we all rejoice! I’m glad I’m part of this family of God!

Welsh Run Church of the Brethren

Welsh Run Church of the Brethren
